
Word From the President

"I promised my support to the institute, if it is a part of normal activities and provides added value to the planned projects. I am glad that the University of Oulu is proceeding in economic and business sciences." (President Ahtisaari in the grand opening ceremony of the institute in 2008)
Martti Ahtisaari

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) is designed for business professionals who are in a key positions in their companies and wish to develop their competencies especially in the field of strategic management. The programmes are carried out in Finnish.

Futuralis – Future of digital business

Futuralis is a cross-disciplinary research group established at Martti Ahtisaari Institute, focusing on exploring digital futures and the creation and transformation of businesses in the context of smart technologies and the society.

Social media


  • VTT
  • Business Kitchen
  • Business Oulu
  • Finnsafe
  • Kainuun etu
  • OIA
  • Oulun kauppakamari
  • Kemi-Tornio alueen kehittämiskeskus
  • Koillis-Suomen aikuiskoulutus
  • Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät
  • em lyon
  • GRLI