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Exploring 5G telecommunication market through future scenarios

The paper by Sara Moqaddamerad, a project researcher of Martti Ahtisaari Institute and a doctoral student of International Business, has been shortlisted as one of three winners for the ISPIM 2017 Forum Alex Goffman Best Student Paper Award.  ISPIM is the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.

Earlier this year the dissertation “Exploring business models in ecosystemic contexts” by the institute’s researcher Marika Iivari was chosen to be among the top one third in ISPIM Dissertation Award 2017. The winners will be announced at the end of April.

The paper by Sara Moqaddamerad on "Business Models Based on the Scenarios: Exploring 5G Telecommunication Market" addresses the rapidly emerging 5th generation wireless mobile networks from the market shaping viewpoint, focusing on business model change and based on futures methodologies and concepts.

She is a trained futurologist, who is now working in multi-disciplinary projects on new technology-driven businesses.

More information:

Sara Moqaddamerad
Martti Ahtisaari Institute, Oulu Business School
