

Martti Ahtisaari International Doctoral Scholarship Programme

  • Ohjelmaan hyväksymisvuosi: 2015
  • Kotimaa: Pakistan
  • Tutkimusaihe: Aligning outsourcing relationships in logistics: a resource portfolio approach
  • Väitöstutkimuksen pääohjaaja: Professori Jari Juga

My research explores the development of business-to-business (B2B) relationship between service providerd and service userd, once they enter into an outsourcing arrangement. The particular focus of the study is to investigate the formation of resource portfolios between the actors and the influence of aligning these towards the development and implementation so that both parties co-create value.

My research is at the intersection of logistics and strategic management disciplines within the B2B context. The theoretical basis for my research comes from the resource-based perspective to firms and the industrial network approach. The study is a qualitative research based on the case study research strategy. The empirical data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews from case companies. The abductive approach has been used in the analysis, with a critical realism perspective.

The research is being conducted in Finland and the selected case companies represent top industry frims. I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the financial support in the form of doctoral scholarships received from Martti Ahtisaari Institute, the Foundation for Economic Education and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Aikaisemmat tutkinnot:

Master of Science: United Kingdom 2007- 2010

Bachelor of Civil Engineering: Pakistan 1998 - 2002

Bachelor of Arts – Economics, Pakistan 1996 - 1998