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AACSB European Affinity Group discussed the European views on AACSB Accreditation

Photo: European Affinity Group meeting attendees in Table Talk action

More than 160 business school experts from European schools got together for the EAG meeting in Edinburgh, in conjunction with the AACSB 2019 ICAM Conference. The theme this time was “European Views on Accreditation Management”.

Starting with presentations from Susanne Lichtmannegger on ”Frequent European Challenges”, Lena Candries ”Ways of Screening International Partners” and Sauli Sohlo “Initial Accreditation vs. Continuous Improvement Review”, the attendees vividly discussed and shared the successes and challenges of their respective institutions, in Accreditation Management.

Photo: Leadership Team of the EAG together with AACSB President, from left: Susanne Lichtmannegger (MCI Innsbruck), Tom Robinson (President & CEO of AACSB International), Sauli Sohlo (University of Oulu), Lena Candries (University of Antwerp)