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Impact of Business Schools in Focus - AACSB Impact Forum in Lisbon

Picture: Impact Forum attendees and facilitators after a full day's work

The AACSB Impact Forum in Lisbon addressed a crucially important question: "What is the impact of our business school?" Impact on our society, business, our students and partners, to name just a few stakeholders.

Impact Forum participants from Business Schools in three continents and 12 countries spent a full day looking into issues of defining, evaluating and demonstrating impact. During the day full of action and group excercises, the participants looked into impact issues from perspectives including the mission and context, the actors and actions of a school, as well as the AACSB accreditation standards and the AACSB Collective Vision.

Picture: Participants and facilitator in action - group excercise of demonstrating impact

The concrete results of the day's work - examples of frameworks to assess and demonstrate a school's impact - were among the great takeaways for the participants.

Picture: Enjoying the results of group activity

Facilitators of the Impact Forum, Sverre Gundersen from BI Norwegian Business School, and Sauli Sohlo from the University of Oulu, Finland, also fully enjoyed the day, and wish to thank the hugely active group for an invigorating day in Portugal.

Impact Forum in AACSB www-pages: